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Kunstwerken van de Belgische kunstenaar Ernst Engel-Pak kopen

Engel-Pak Ernst

Ernst Engel-Pak (pseudonym of Engel, Ernst) was a Belgian artist, born in Spa in 1885 and died in Valabre/France in 1965. He was a painter, draftsman and illustrator. He took drawing lessons in Spa until about 1900. In terms of style, he evolved from impressionism to abstract expressionism. In 1923 he married Claire Rozier. In 1924 he settled in Paris and was a member of the Group Abstraction-Création from 1931. He exhibited with Arp, Mondrian, Delaunay, Vantongerloo and Kupka. Under the influence of Cubism, his work became more monumental and structured from 1926 onwards. In 1929, his introduction to surrealism led him to lyricism and abstraction. Among other things, he illustrated Objets de mots et des images (P. Eluard, 1947). In 1954 he became curator of King René's hunting pavilion in Valabre/France. From 1923 to 1943 he worked under the name Engel-Rozier, from 1943 under the name Engel-Pak. Work by Ernst Engel-Pak can be found in the Museums in Liège and Brussels, among others. He is mentioned in BAS I and Two centuries of signatures of Belgian artists. (Piron)