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Kunstwerken kopen van de Mechelse kunstenaar Frans Perckmans

Perckmans Frans

(Pieter) Frans Perckmans was a Belgian artist, born in Mechelen in 1895 and died in Mechelen in 1978. He was self-taught and used a naive design. He was a painter, graphic artist, draftsman, folklorist, publicist and author. He married Maria Van Aeken in 1918, after which he settled in Lier for a few years. During his stay in Lier he came into contact with Felix Timmermans, with the poet Karel de Winter, with the blacksmith Lodewijk van Boeckel, with the lyricist Ernst De Weert. Frans Perckmans used a naive design. From the press: “He usually draws and paints Dantesque figures, character, later also landscapes and cityscapes. Folkloristic information is present in his drawing and painting.” From 1932 he had already held about twenty exhibitions in Mechelen. In 1934 he exhibited in Lier for the Kunstkring Streven and in 1937 he took part in the Salon of Contemporary Art in Ghent. In 1961, Frans Perckmans was celebrated in Mechelen as a deserving Malinois and in 1970 he received the Honorary Medal of the Maneblusser. Jozef Van Balberghe published 'The East Indian ink drawings of Frans Perckmans' in 1951. His 'Collected Works' was published on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. Much of his work is now privately owned. The Folklore Museum in Antwerp and the Museum of Folklore in Mechelen have several dozen colored drawings by him. (Piron, BT)