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Kunstwerken kopen van de Belgische kunstenaar Paul Vanden Bosch

Hilderson (Paul Van Den Bosch)

Paul Vanden Bosch (Hilderson) was a Belgian artist who was born in 1929 in Knokke le Zoute and who died in 2015. He was a painter, gouachist and poet. He learned and practiced Flemish, French and English fluently. To the point - later - of adapting Shakespeare for a French version of Measure for Measure in Brussels. Before devoting himself exclusively to painting - until the end of his life (circa 2013) - he excelled very early in other cultural and creative activities with equal luck… and sometimes together with painting. In 1956 he left for Paris where he wrote his essay Les enfants de l'absurde which became a real "bestseller" in Paris. He returned to Belgium in the early 1960s, where he was successively a playwright and a painter. Work purchased by the State in 1963 (Composition, 1962, goauche on paper, marouflaged on panel). He was close friends with the Belgian artist Hugo Claus. (PIRON, BT)