Van Beeumen Merel (MEREL)
Merel Van Beeumen is a Belgian artist who was born in Antwerp in 1954. Her artist name is "MEREL". She is a painter, draftsman, crayon painter and watercolor artist. Training in decorative arts and graphics at Sint-Lucas in Antwerp. Taught at the Academy in Hove and was associated with the Academy in Borsbeek from 1980 to 1989. Finds her inspiration in gardens, interiors and in her immediate surroundings. Penetrates so sensitively into the soul and heart of her subjects that her works reflect a world of experience which overwhelms the viewer. Her inspiration and themes later also began to be found in "man". From the press: “Merel knows very well where she puts the touches of light and color, where she allows shadow and light to meet, overlap or repel each other. She also leads us into the twilight zone between reality and dream.” And more recently: “Previously, Merel found her inspiration in the visible, observable world. She allowed images and landscapes to affect themselves until only light and color remained. That visible has faded even further. "Now I paint the world that I experience, my world of experience". And that turns out to be a happy, wonderful world, usually fresh and cheerful, despite the perspective and the question marks. (…) The curious person, but also the playing person, has long been present in her work. The "man" is and remains there, she cannot ignore it. And just like "Gold" there is more and more of it. More Human. The figures, males and females reduced to their essential form, dance, run, jump. A new element in Merel's paintings: the "Pig". "The pig is close to people, a pig also eats everything", the artist laughs. And a text is also added to various paintings.” (2009) The artist: “To me, painting is like the birds singing, simply out of necessity. I don't remember how it started, but I always remembered it. I paint from a positive feeling, beauty and the joy of creative work are my motivations. My source of inspiration is my environment, the world, I paint everything that fascinates me. The material is also very important, paper, canvas, crayon painting, acrylic, oil paint, I try to feel it and I get a little different every time. My message is the great surprise.” During a trip to Africa, she also fell under the spell of African nature and the animals there. Signed Merel since 1983. Work purchased by the Belgian State (1980), by the Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren (1996). Mentioned in Artists and galleries, fourth edition (2000), BAS I and Two centuries of signatures of Belgian artists. Source: Paul Piron, The Belgian visual artists from the 19th to the 21st century