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Kunstwerken kopen van de Belgische kunstenaar Lucien Van Den Driessche

Van Den Driessche Lucien

Lucien Van Den Driessche was a Belgian artist who was born in 1926 in Deinze and who died in 1991 in Jette. He was the son of René Van Den Driessche and he was self-taught. Initially he painted under the influence of the Latem School (Saverys, De Smet, Permeke). Began with "matière painting" in 1959. Two elements dominated his pictorial expression: the atmosphere creation and the extrapolar visionary. From the press: "L.V.D.D. found a new source of inspiration in the approaching gigantic apartment buildings, which was reflected by heavy surfaces of material on the panel, but also machines, cars and everything that a new era entailed became his subject. This design in the fringe area of ​​the figuration was gradually opened up, not only in terms of color, but by what appeared on the panel: shiny temples and buildings, and in the color paste all kinds of attributes were given their place: children's toys, coins, cogs, parts. typewriters, etc.' and 'LV's expressionistic matière work D.D. is by no means a cliché-like reproduction of the formula, but a very accurate and personal translation of marginal situations and a lovely, almost irresistibly colorful brushes of indigenous landscapes.' In 1960 and 1963, at the Olivetti Prize in 1961 and 1964. Work for instance in the Museums in Ghent and Verviers. Mentioned in BAS I and Two centuries of signatures of Belgian artists. Source: Piron