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De Belgische schilder Jules De Meulemeester

De Meulemeester Jules

Jules De Meulemeester was a Belgian artist who was born in 1920 in Ruddervoorde and who died in 2010 in Zerkegem. He was a painter, watercolorist and sculptor. As a painter he realized landscapes, flower arrangements, portraits (especially clowns). His powerful expressionist style is tempered by an intimate color palette. Was a sculptor (stone cutting) teacher at the Training Institute in Bruges for a while. Made watercolor portraits for tourists in Bruges from 1981 to 1990. Moved in 1990 to an old custom barrack in Zerkegem, where he continued to paint, sculpt and play the violin until his death. Mentioned in Lexicon of West Flemish visual artists IV, BAS II and Two centuries of signatures of Belgian artists. Source: PIRON