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Kunstwerken kopen van de Belgische kunstenaar  Frank Van Damme

Van Damme Frank

Frank Van Damme (pseudonym: Frank Ivo) is a Belgian artist who was born in Merksem in 1932. He is a graphic artist, illustrator, etcher, xylographer, cartoonist, designer of ex-libris, theater costumes, sets, historical processions. Education at the Academy and at the Higher Institute in Antwerp under G. De Bruyne, R. De Coninck, J. Hendrickx and Mark F. Severin. From the press: 'This graphic artist manages to capture the exuberance of a sensual joie de vivre in a balance of white and black in an open and bold woodcarving'. He designed, among other things, sets and costumes for the Reizend Volkstheater and also took care of several processions, including the historical procession in Herentals. Was director at the Vrije Vespertekenschool in Merksem (1960-1972); from 1973 at the Academy in Merksem. Mentioned in BAS I and Two centuries of signatures of Belgian artists. (piron)