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Grafische kunstwerken kopen van de Belgische kunstenares Fanny Zaman

Zaman Fanny

Fanny Zaman is a Belgian artist who was born in Antwerp in 1972. She was a visual artist and installation designer. Free graphics training at the Academy in Antwerp. Fanny Zaman has conducted studies ranging from the visual arts practice to the more theoretical fields, the most recent of which is information science. The artistic work deals with visual perception and rhetoric. The subjects of her work are often everyday situations. From the press: 'The artistic work of F.Z. focuses on different facets to generate visual images. She usually uses installations in which separate visual elements are connected. A photo, a recorded sound or image; small pieces of text and a number of objects made of cheap material such as foam, tape or cardboard are played against each other in an existing exhibition space.' (2006) exhibits from 1995. Took part in A(rt)ssenede 1998, was represented at Lineart in Ghent in 2006. Employed in Antwerp. (Piron, databank.kunsten.be)