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Kunstwerken kopen van de Belgische kunstenares Evelien Gysen

Gysen Evelien

Evelien Gysen is a Belgian artist who was born in 1975 in Geel. She is a graphic artist, draftsman and also works in mixed media. Obtained the master's degree in free graphics at the Academy in Antwerp (1994-1998), the master's degree in mixed media at the Academy in Geel (1998-2000). From the press: 'The way in which images on old postcards and in magazines are distorted, updated and colored appeals to her. She is particularly fascinated by the graphic nature of the typical (vague) photographs that exist and are distributed all over the world of unexplained phenomena or unprovable things (Loch Ness, UFO, pulp journalism). (…) The actual photographic image, which is already an illusion in itself, is further 'cleaned', 'ugged' or transformed into something entirely of its own: an image that says more about the unconsciousness of man than about the reality itself from which the image has emerged.” Represented in the collection of the art lending service Kunst in Huis. (piron)