

Belgische kunstschilder Emile De Geld

De Geld Emile

Emile De Geld was a Belgian artist born in 1909 in Brussels and died in 1972 in Stanley/London/Great Britain. He was a painter. Took lessons at the Academy in Ixelles from the age of fourteen, but then developed mainly self-taught. From 1928 received support from L. Clesse, from 1933 from A. Bastien. He painted landscapes for which he found inspiration in Brussels (Red Monastery, Sonian Forest, Pajottenland), the Ardennes, the Provence and city and street views, sporadically also interiors. Usually worked in the open air. Post-impressionist. Pasty and warm color palette. From 1940 regularly worked in the company of A. Bastien, Jos Albert, K. Peiser, V. Simonin, Marcel Pire, Ch. Lebon. Was a member of the art circles Emile Bouillot in Elsene and La Palette in Laken. Died of a cerebral hemorrhage during the preparation of an exhibition in London. Exhibited in Brussels from 1943. Tribute exhibitions including in the Galerie Bortier in Brussels in 1984, in the Salle de Métiers d'art of the province of Brabant in Brussels in 1992. Work, among others, in the Museum Elsene. Mentioned in BAS I and Two Centuries of Signatures of Belgian Artists. (PIRON)