Technique : Etching, Engraving
Condition : In good condition
Title of work of art : Vechtende kaartspelers 7de staat
Artist : Adriaan van Ostade, 1653
Sales with list : Yes
Overall dimensions (in cm) : 29 cm on 27 cm
Measured image (in cm) : 14.5 cm on 12.6 cm (moet idem)
Year : 1653
In an interior of an inn, a man jumps up from a stool and swings menacingly with a drawn knife, his opponent shrinks back in alarm and holds his hat in defense. A seated man tries to calm the angry man and a woman protectively wraps an arm around the child on her lap. The reason for this fight is a card game that is on top of a ton that falls through the tumult (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam).