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grafische kunstwerken aankopen van de Franse kunstenaar Édouard Chimot

Chimot Édouard

Édouard Chimot was a French artist born in Lille in 1880 and who died in Paris in 1959. He was a French painter, illustrator, engraver and artistic director. Édouard Chimot is best known for his work as an illustrator, including the publication of some thirty works by Éditions d'Art Devambez in the 1920s in Paris. During the Second World War, he and his wife Loulou found shelter in the holiday home they had bought in Barcelona. From 1943 to 1948, 4 works were published in Barcelona, ​​3 of them illustrating texts in Spanish. Then Edouard Chimot returned to Paris and published his last works there. In the last year of his life, a collection of 16 female nudes, Les Belles que voilà: my models from Montmartre to Seville, appeared, which he considered a selection of his work and its relationship to female beauty. (BT, Internet)