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Artist: Romain Malfliet (Sint-Niklaas-Waas 1910 - 2006 Sint-Niklaas-Waas)
Technique: Etching
State: Good
Signature: Yes, also numbered and stamp 
Sale with frame: Yes
Size picture (in cm): 23 cm x 17 cm (Moet 18.5 cm x 11 cm)
Dimensions of the work: 31.5 cm x 25.5 cm 
Obtained: From private collector of Malfliet etchings and drawings
Remarks:  Stamp "biblioteca chalcograpia Regiae Belge" ( institute from the Albertina bibliotheek Brussel, that has the approval to print some etches) 


Artist: Romain Malfliet (Sint-Niklaas-Waas 1910 - 2006 Sint-Niklaas-Waas)
Technique: Etching
State: Good
Signature: Yes, also numbered and stamp 
Sale with frame: Yes
Size picture (in cm): 23 cm x 17 cm (Moet 18.5 cm x 11 cm)
Dimensions of the work: 31.5 cm x 25.5 cm 
Obtained: From private collector of Malfliet etchings and drawings
Remarks:  Stamp "biblioteca chalcograpia Regiae Belge" ( institute from the Albertina bibliotheek Brussel, that has the approval to print some etches)