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Odalisk II 1981 EA

Artist: Jan Vanriet (Antwerpen 1948 - )
Technique: Copperetching with aquatint
State: Excellent
Signature:  Signed by the Artist and dated
Sale with frame: No
Size picture (in cm): 24 cm x  18.5 cm  
Dimensions of the work: 31cm x  26 cm 
Obtained: Private collection
Remarks: Copper etching raised with auquatint printed on Roger Van Akelijen's presses. From Odalisken published in 1981 

The black background in the photo has been used to highlight the details of the paper used. (scanned object)
Artist: Jan Vanriet (Antwerpen 1948 - )
Technique: Copperetching with aquatint
State: Excellent
Signature:  Signed by the Artist and dated
Sale with frame: No
Size picture (in cm): 24 cm x  18.5 cm  
Dimensions of the work: 31cm x  26 cm 
Obtained: Private collection
Remarks: Copper etching raised with auquatint printed on Roger Van Akelijen's presses. From Odalisken published in 1981 

The black background in the photo has been used to highlight the details of the paper used. (scanned object)