Duchâteau Olivier
Olivier Duchâteau was a Belgian artist who was born in Liège in 1876 and who died in 1939. He was a painter, draftsman and etcher. Training at the Academy in Liège under the direction of A. De Witte. Also received advice and support from Maréchal and Rassenfosse. Found his subjects in Liège: churches, alleys, interiors, figures, elders, children, forest views and landscapes. Was a drawing teacher at the Academy in Liège from 1911 to 1939. His son, Olivier Duchâteau Jr., also worked as an engraver and exhibited together with his father at the Salon du Centenaire of the Société Royale des Beaux-Arts in Liège in 1933. Work for instance in the Musée de l'Art Wallon and in the Print Room in Liège. Mentioned in BAS I and Two centuries of Signatures of Belgian artists. (Piron)