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De kunstenaar bekijkt de St. Niklaaskerke 1938 215/260

Artist: Jules De Bruycker (Gent 1870-1945 Gent)
Technique: Etching
State: Excellent (MINT)
Signature: In pencil, also numbered
Sale with frame: No
Size picture (in cm): 18 cm x 14.1 cm (Moet 21.5 cm x 17 cm)
Dimensions of the work: 46 cm x 35.9 cm
Obtained: Auction
Remarks: Was published in artmap, "L'église St Nicolas Gand" in 1938

The black background in the photo has been used to highlight the details of the paper used (scanned object A0 scanner).



Artist: Jules De Bruycker (Gent 1870-1945 Gent)
Technique: Etching
State: Excellent (MINT)
Signature: In pencil, also numbered
Sale with frame: No
Size picture (in cm): 18 cm x 14.1 cm (Moet 21.5 cm x 17 cm)
Dimensions of the work: 46 cm x 35.9 cm
Obtained: Auction
Remarks: Was published in artmap, "L'église St Nicolas Gand" in 1938

The black background in the photo has been used to highlight the details of the paper used (scanned object A0 scanner).