Reychler Rita
Rita Reychler was a Belgian artist who was born in Eeklo in 1933 and who died there in 2020. She studied at the Academy of Eeklo ('46 -'53), the Higher Institute in Antwerp ('53 -'56) and the Academy of Ghent ('73 -'75). She made her debut with material paintings that lean on constructivism. This was followed by a period of hyper-realistic figuration which, however, only paused her career for a while. From 1973 she sought and found, through rational experiments and using a kind of reasoned spontaneity, a link with fundamental painting in a style in which material art and minimalism meet, as it were. In many of Rita Reychler's works, the interaction between matter and color on the one hand and form on the other is of great importance. By constructing her works from different panels -serial, in the form of triptychs or asymmetrical- she not only examines the effect of the form on the painting, but also succeeds in making the surrounding space part of the work. Rita Reychler's works can be found in the Muhka in Antwerp and the Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels. In addition, also in various public buildings and private collections at home and abroad. Source: Prof. Dr. Antoon Van den Braembussche