Peeters Jozef
Jozef Peeters was a Belgian artist who was born in Antwerp in 1895 and who died there in 1960. He was a painter, draftsman and graphic artist. Followed sporadic courses at the Academy in Antwerp. Became acquainted with Italian futurism in 1913. Settled in 1914 with E. Van Dooren in Burcht aan de Schelde. Debuted with landscapes and portraits in clean lines and with a mystical-symbolistic content. In 1918, under the influence of Marinetti, he made a number of futuristic drawings and watercolors. Constructivist paintings and linocuts with a pronounced geometric design followed. Founded the Modern Art Group in 1918. Met Karel Maes in 1920 and organized the first Congress of Modern Art. Immediately became one of the pioneers of abstract art in Belgium. Stayed in Paris in 1921 and met F. Léger, A. Gleizes, P. Mondriaan, M. Donas, Archipenko, G. Vantongerloo and P.H. Bruce. In 1922 collaborated with M. Seuphor and met Marinetti, Moholy-Nagy, Kandinsky and H. Walden. He settled permanently at the Gerlachekaai in Antwerp in 1924. Founded the magazine De Driehoek in 1925. After a non-productive period (1935-1954) he painted figuratively, only to return to his characteristic geometric abstract compositions after a year. Also worked as a publicist, graphic artist, decorator, designer of stained glass windows and carpets. Work in the Museums in Antwerp, Brussels, Ostend. Mentioned in BAS I, II and Two centuries of signatures of Belgian artists. (piron)