Seradour Guy Jean Louis
Guy Jean Louis Seradour was a French artist born in 1922 in Etaples/France and died in 2007 in Neuilly-sur-Seine/France. He started his Fine Arts training in 1939, but preferred to work alone and left the academy after only three months. He has lived and worked in Paris, Cannes and Deauville. At the age of 18, he organizes his first exhibition in 1940 at the Galerie Romanet in Algeria. In 1955 he received rave reviews during an exhibition in 1955 at Bernheim-Jeune (Paris). During this period he painted sober landscapes, somewhat miserable characters and beautiful portraits. In addition to his individual exhibitions, he participates in all the major salons, of which he is also a member, in the interior such as: the 'Salon d'Automne', 'Peintres Témoins de leur Temps', 'Comparaisons', 'Terres Latines', ' Société Nationale des Beaux Arts', 'Artistes Français' and the 'Salon du Design et de la Peinture à l'Eau'. But he is also very active abroad. As part of the Salons of French Artists, he exhibits at the Hermitage in Leningrad and the Pushkin Museum in Moscow (1975). Further individual foreign exhibitions take place all over the world: in Brussels in 1966, Denver/USA. in 1968, Tokyo/Japan in 1969, … Many of his works can be found in private collections. In 1965, the Museum of Modern Art in Paris acquired a first work by Guy Seradour, “Le Lampiste”. During his life he received several awards, including the 'Knight of Arts and Letters' award. From 1980 his works radiate more silence, serenity and mystery. Works by Guy Seradour can be found in museums all over the world. BT (Revue L'Univers des Arts, Spring 2008).