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Grafische kunstwerken kopen van de Belgische kunstenares Lea Goovaerts

Goovaerts Lea

Lea Goovaerts is a Belgian artist, born in Deurne in 1932. She is a graphic artist, draftsman and designer of bookplates. She trained as a regent in the decorative arts in Turnhout and further qualified in graphic design at the Sint-Maria-Instituut in Antwerp. From the press: 'In the ex libris genre, her sense of refined execution with the drypoint finds a very strong expression. Drawing from a live model also continues to fascinate her. In her etchings she often confronts nature and technology.' She was a member of the art circles Sirkel, Esim and Graphia. And became chairwoman of the art circle Sirkel in Mortsel. In 2011 and 2015, Lea Goovaerts was selected to participate in the International ex libris and color graphics competition in Sint-Niklaas. She worked in Mortsel. She is mentioned in Two centuries of signatures of Belgian artists. (Piron)